Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Faustian Bargain and a Whole Lot of Hair.

Monday, September 1, 2008
The Missouri Compromise (Business in The Front; Party in The Back)

Friday, August 22, 2008
Olympic-Style Microdermabrasion

The official explanation is that the uniforms are designed to keep the sand out. (One does not want chafing in one's yin and yang.) This does not, however, explain why the men's teams continue to wear shorts-to-the-knee and tank tops.
Some of the more cynical among us suggest that the bikini's are simply to increase viewership, and thus brand recognition for the corporate sponsors. ("If you've bought a Coke in the last eighty years...") There may be some merit to this argument. A google search using the words "corporate sponsorship olympics" returned figures as high as $4 billion invested by companies hoping to be noticed by viewers.
A girl has to wonder if those sponsors had any influence on designing those uniforms. And if they did, that's just fine by this K9. The world tuned in and cheered for their teams and learned some things about each other.
Perhaps that was a $4 billion well spent.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Peggy Phlegm.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
My Birthday--August Something

As I'm sure you read in the society pages, my party was quite a "To Do;" located in Forest Park with a large air-conditioned tent and a guest list of hundreds.
Dear Kathleen thinks of everything; and when she doesn't, she hires it done. Therefore, I enjoyed appropriate back-lighting the entire evening. My seat was cleverly situated between the dessert table and the gift table, with an excellent view of Toni Tennille performing her set. (So glad she and The Captain are still together, after 25 years of marriage! But he, being the shy one, no longer performs.) She dedicated Muskrat Love to dear Kathleen, which I consider a very thoughtful gesture. And then, as she introduced Donna Summer, they sang a duet of Bad Girls while dear Kathleen provided the "toot toot/beep beep" descant! So charming...so very charming.
After the sit-down dinner and concert, guests filed out onto the lawn for the fireworks show. A near mishap was avoided...I held my breath when that second "B" resisted lighting up, presenting the crowd with "BEST BIRTHDAY WISHES ASIA." Fortunately, though, dear Kathleen offered her lighter and the back-up fuse was lit just in the nick of time. Whew! Close one!
No sooner had the fireworks ended than the hot air balloons lit up like a forest of beautiful, glowing blobs. The lift-off was truly breathtaking, particularly because the humid, night air was filled with the scent of burning kerosene. Imagine my surprise as a parachute-clad military band leaped from the balloons as soon as they reached 5,000 feet! Astonishing! I could even hear the piccolo during the coda of Stars and Stripes Forever as the band came lilting down through the leaves and branches of nearby trees.
As guests filtered out, one by one, drowsy with laughter and merriment, they were given a memento of our evening together--my likeness cast in genuine resin.
This was not an evening we will forget any time soon...dear Kathleen truly out-did herself this time. Many, many thanks to the woman who helps me.
P.S. We still have a few pallets of the Resin Basia figurines. They are available first come/first served through this blog or some of your Better Retailers. Don't hesitate to contact my publicist, Kristin, for more information.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Most Professional 27 Seconds on Television

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Among Friends...

Sunday, June 1, 2008
I See London

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Please welcome our guest blogger...
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Center of the Bell Curve

As always, please let me confirm that none of these ideas—not even one—originate with me. I am merely the conduit. My prayer is that I might accessorize the message with my own certain cachet…my own…je ne sais quois.
Now then, please note the above illustration. This represents the rise and fall of that which is “cool” in pop culture. The bell curve on the left represents the enthusiasm cycle of the True Hipsters. And you know who you are; you are the one with the Scandinavian shoes. Your wine glass has no stem. Your irony throbs.
The bell curve on the right, conversely, represents the enthusiasm cycle of the Unwashed Masses. In the push and shove of 24/7, discerning the difference between “passé” and “edgy” becomes a luxury you would rather not afford. Your entertainment may be pre-digested, but it comforts and lightens a heavy load. It is popular for a reason.
Seth Godin speaks to the artsy types, who find themselves between the bell curves. He encourages them to make a choice.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I promised Kathleen we would listen to that Barbara Mandrell CD before bedtime.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The Repentant Bow-Wow

“Books are but empty nothings compared with living, pulsing men and women. Life is stranger and greater than anything ever written about it.”
I’m feeling that feeling of wanting to change. When you think of me, gentle reader, please pray for this K9’s life in letters. My intention is to steward it well.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Culture of fear? Whatever could you mean?

This dog’s behavior reminds me a bit of how certain democracies organize themselves. It seems that when our society talks to itself, it attaches fear to any issue it doesn’t like. Name the issue, and we can likewise name the fear used to subdue it.
Gun control? Hitler’s first move was to force German citizens to register all their guns, and look what happened to them.
Tax Reform? Just another effort by the Neo-Cons to establish their New World Order.
Universal health care? England has universal health care, and they have to wait years for basic services.
Anti-pornography laws? Today they take away the porn, tomorrow they’ll shut down PBS.
Gay marriage? It’s a slippery slope. The next thing you know, they’ll want to marry their pets.
Organic dog food? This nonsense exists only for bleeding hearts with more money than sense.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Controlling Currency for Fun and Profit

I’m hoping dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) finds evidence to the contrary. After all, I would hate to think of the US Government trying to accomplish what has never worked for anyone else.
If any government was ever motivated to control their currency, I would think it would be the Weimar Republic. They sure gave it the old college try, in the face of truly impossible odds. Their efforts fell to naught, however, and in 1922 and 1923 Germany experienced truly astonishing inflation rates. I understand that prices were known to double in a day, causing people to carry cash in suitcases. Imagine, if that currency had been controlled, people might have been more content, Adolph Hitler might not have attained his baffling popularity, and World War II might have been averted.
But “might have beens” are easy, especially when you are a dog. Please allow me to leave you with this illustration: the photo above is of a coin worth 200 German marks. It was made during 1923, so people would not have to carry the burdensome paper equivalent of 200 marks. Prices rose so quickly, however, that the coin was soon worthless, and the government stopped making them.
Be wise, humans. Be wise.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Vintage Clothing

You get the idea.

Truthfully, the “dancing dogs” phenomenon is more a manifestation of dogs humoring their humans than the humans amusing their dogs. We know that humans have an unhealthy propensity for seat work. We also know that, as the more highly evolved species, it is our job to get you off your haunches and doing something spiritual.
Like dancing, for example.
Dance, whether secular, ritual, abstract, or (my personal favorite) interpretive, may express ancient harvest celebrations, love, patriotism, social issues, or the intrinsic need to get down. And although dogs may not have those handy opposable thumbs you humans are so excited about, we are fully capable of executing the seven movements of dance: to bend, to rise, to stretch, to glide, to jump, to turn, and to dart.
Party on.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Agony and the Pageantry

Many thanks for your thoughtful letters and sundry messages regarding my welfare. I am fine. I have been away from my computer because of responsibilities related to Pageant Season.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hizzle Fo Shizzle.

As with so many things in life, it all goes back to the Spice Girls of the 1990’s. A little-known fact about one of their members, Posh Spice, is that she was originally named “Pasia” (after me) and later the “Spice” was added purely as a gimmick. Merchandisers of popular music will do this. Anyway, during all those hard miles of touring, the girls shortened Pasia’s name to “Posh”, and there it stayed.
I’m not hurt that her name was changed. Not at all. I’m glad the young lady developed a sense of identity, and hence, a name of her own.
To help you remember how to pronounce my name, I will assume the persona of my Rap Artist Alter-Ego, Fluff Doggy S.N.I.F., and I will perform a little number for you. I wish you could hear me perform it, because I’m fabulous. That can’t happen though, so reading the lyrics will have to suffice.
And no, I wouldn’t josh ya.
And I’m a clevah glam girl
Just like my Spicy Posh-ah.
Cause on Da Man’s hogwash-ah
I’m puttin’ dat kibosh’ah,
And if his language ain’t polite
I’ll get out my mouthwash-ah.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I understand that a conversation is afoot about deporting all the “illegal aliens” currently residing in the US. I have a difficult time seeing how this can happen smoothly.
· Will people be rounded up based on “looking Mexican?”
· Will homes and apartments be searched?
· Will neighbors and co-workers be expected to turn each other in?
· Will neighbors and co-workers become the proud new owners of all the vehicles, homes, furniture, etc, of people once they are deported?
· Perhaps most importantly, who will get rich off this endeavor? Because certainly someone will.
Something similar to this was tried before; I think it was called “The Fugitive Slave Law,” and it led to Civil War. But I may ask dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) to double-check my facts. She’s always so helpful with that, after she finishes my dishes.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Why dogs do not throw.
That explains so much. I often see humans performing that strange action with their arms. Dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) occasionally spends her day off attending sporting events that involve throwing. And I recall when I was a pup, dear Kathleen had a habit of throwing my toys across the backyard for no apparent reason. I would retrieve the items, assuming (foolishly) that she would put them back in the house where they belong. Instead, she would invariably respond with literal squeals of delight, only to throw the toys again. Honestly! It’s moments like these that I wonder what I am paying her for.
Thanks to the brilliance of the high level thinkers at ted.com, I now understand that Kathleen was developing her mental acuity. And apparently it worked, because she eventually stopped throwing my toys. Well, that and I stopped chasing them.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I Love Capitalism. God Help Me, I Love It So.

So much on the internet is free. Well, actually, so much everywhere is free. Why pay for anything? Well, Seth Godin, a human I adore, offers seven product features that humans will pay for, when they could otherwise get the product for free. Below is a marriage of his ideas with my certain je ne sais quoi. (In other words, none—not one—of these ideas are mine.)
· Immediacy -- Sooner or later you can find a free copy of whatever you want, but having it delivered to your inbox, the moment you want it, is something humans will pay for. Remember that immediacy is a relative term. Those who are uncomfortable waiting will pay handsomely to get it now.
· Personalization -- Having something personalized means you’ve had a conversation with a creator or an artist or a producer. You have a relationship. When dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) arranges for my bath towels to be monogrammed, she contacts the embroiderer. It is a relationship that produces personalization. Humans will pay dearly for that.
· Interpretation – Puppies are free; obedience school requires tuition. Certain things become valuable to us only through support and guidance.
· Authenticity – Some dogs think of themselves as purebreds, but they are Bargain Bin until the appropriate papers are produced.
· Accessibility –Many humans will be happy to pay others to tend their "possessions." Have you noticed that iTunes backs everything up, pays the creators, and delivers to humans their desires? Netflix does the same thing. Most of this material is available free somewhere, if humans want to find it, tend it, back it up, and organize it. Or, in exchange for a few dollars a month, others can take care of it for you.
· Embodiment – Even as a K9, I can appreciate the difference between words on a computer screen, and words printed on luxurious paper and bound in hardback. It smells and sounds and feels so good. I understand. Or how about live music, with actual real human bodies manipulating musical instruments? The music is free; the bodily performance expensive.
· Patronage – I consider myself a patron of the arts. As my readers know, dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) delivers me regularly to the symphony, to the theater, to galleries, and of course to those ubiquitous-but-necessary opening night receptions. This is a part of my artistic bent—I honor it; I breathe into it. It is my small, humble offering to the artists and musicians who add such beauty to my life.
(A tip of the hat to Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/02/better-than-fre.html, who in turn tips his hat to Kevin Kelly. This is beginning to look like the finale to “A Chorus Line”)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Multi-tasking with Barbra
If you do not want to watch the entire seven minutes, please consider zipping forward to about 3:30. In the span of only 20 well-choreographed seconds, Barbra:
· Fans herself
· Puts a cigarette in her fabulous mouth
· Strikes a match
· Lights the cigarette
· Takes a drag and exhales cinematically (in profile)
· Drinks a Pepsi
· Centers her breath
· Begins singing
· Manages her microphone
The song, Left in the Dark, was originally going to be recorded by (are you sitting down?) Meat Loaf! But he had a voice injury, so Barbra took it on, thank God.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
World Center of the Dog
As the HQ of the UN moves to God-Knows-Where, the current UN building (actually a complex) will be standing empty. I would like to suggest that it become the official World Center of the Dog; a gathering place for dogs and those who love them. It will be a place of scholarship, of meditation, and of elegance. Oh, and also a place of treats. And plenty of peanut butter, every afternoon at 3:00.
The UN complex was completed in the 1950’s--a terrific era for design, if you like pink Formica counter-tops and boomerang-shaped coffee tables. I’m thinking perhaps we could benefit from a little less of the European Modernist style, and a little more of what I like to think of as the “New American Dog Aesthetic.”
My plan will feature a complete cleaning and restoration of the exterior and interior spaces, with many spaces being converted to ceremonial purposes. Perhaps a labyrinth on the lawn, with plenty of user-friendly shrubs. Old office space can be renovated for galleries, spas, and meeting rooms. There will also be a 1500-seat auditorium with state of-the art projection facilities. And naturally, there will be upgrades to fire-safety, security, telecommunications, and heating, air conditioning, and ventilating systems.
Those are just a few of my thoughts. I welcome yours.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Catsuits are not just for cats.
Dressing outside the standard confines of what all the other dogs are wearing has often led me to some of my most exciting wardrobe options—including the awkwardly-named “catsuit”. (Please hold the “catwoman” punchlines. They’ve already been said.) Catsuits blend a modernist edge with a minimalist sensibility, and turn heads at the dog park on any Saturday morning. Let’s take a brief tour of the variations of the catsuit family:
“Unitards” are those shiny, spandexy numbers frequently worn by acrobats, gymnasts, and the occasional circus performer. As practical as unitards may be, I try to avoid them. Trust me; I have all the admiration in the world for Super Heroes. I just don’t want to look like one.
“Bodygloves” and “bodystockings” are similar items, often worn by modern dancers. Generally these are monochromatic, neutral-toned, and worn with no shoes. They are also unforgiving. I don’t recommend combining a bodyglove with bodyfat unless you have plenty of bodyimage confidence!
But the basic “Catsuit” is the well-appointed version of the above. Stylish and fashion-forward, these go from daywear to evening with only a change of accessories. Catsuits are available online and also at your better retailers.
A word about fishnet—I understand that some catsuits are made of fishnet. How nice. I hope the fish enjoy them, because we certainly won’t be wearing them, will we?