I just returned from my evening constitutional with Dear Kathleen, the woman who helps me.
We were enjoying a lovely evening beneath the stars until our bliss was perforated by a barking dog. (There truly is one in every crowd.) This particular K9 was announcing his warning about walking by his perceived property. I was unimpressed with this display, and communicated that to him by leaving my Signature Scent. Dear Kathleen acted on her propensity to collect my scent into a plastic grocery bag and save it (presumably) for some special occasion. Nonetheless, I let my opinion be known.
This dog’s behavior reminds me a bit of how certain democracies organize themselves. It seems that when our society talks to itself, it attaches fear to any issue it doesn’t like. Name the issue, and we can likewise name the fear used to subdue it.
Gun control? Hitler’s first move was to force German citizens to register all their guns, and look what happened to them.
Tax Reform? Just another effort by the Neo-Cons to establish their New World Order.
Universal health care? England has universal health care, and they have to wait years for basic services.
Anti-pornography laws? Today they take away the porn, tomorrow they’ll shut down PBS.
Gay marriage? It’s a slippery slope. The next thing you know, they’ll want to marry their pets.
Global warming? There is no global warming. There is only elaborate Leftist propaganda, intended to distract us from what’s really going on.
Organic dog food? This nonsense exists only for bleeding hearts with more money than sense.
Waxy yellow build-up? Diet soda aftertaste?
Need I continue?
Enjoy yourselves, humans. I’m certainly not in a position to give advice, but I would like to encourage you to enjoy yourselves. We’ve been advised that perfect love casts out fear. Something to ponder…and now, if you’ll excuse me, it is time for my afternoon peanut butter treat.
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