Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Agony and the Pageantry

Gentle Readers,
Many thanks for your thoughtful letters and sundry messages regarding my welfare. I am fine. I have been away from my computer because of responsibilities related to Pageant Season.

Coaching the girls is not easy, as you can imagine.

Example: to prepare for the swimsuit competition, the past 12 hours were spent rehearsing the Walk-In-High-Heels-Smile-Turn-Turn-Back-Step-Pivot-Step-Walk-Walk-Walk combination. We nearly lost Miss Montana with that one, and I had to keep reminding Miss Missouri that, even though she may be a non-finalist, she is not to smoke while on stage.

I have my work cut out for me. The hours are grueling.

I hope to be back at my blog before too long. Until then,

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