Friday, March 21, 2008

Controlling Currency for Fun and Profit

Dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) is having a busy day. After she draws my bath, trims my nails, and finishes my wash and set, I’ve asked her to complete some fact checking for me. It seems I cannot recall one single human government on earth who have managed to control their own currency. Not one. According to writer James Kunstler, not even “the most powerful, authoritarian dictatorships in history” have been able to pull that one off.
I’m hoping dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) finds evidence to the contrary. After all, I would hate to think of the US Government trying to accomplish what has never worked for anyone else.
If any government was ever motivated to control their currency, I would think it would be the Weimar Republic. They sure gave it the old college try, in the face of truly impossible odds. Their efforts fell to naught, however, and in 1922 and 1923 Germany experienced truly astonishing inflation rates. I understand that prices were known to double in a day, causing people to carry cash in suitcases. Imagine, if that currency had been controlled, people might have been more content, Adolph Hitler might not have attained his baffling popularity, and World War II might have been averted.
But “might have beens” are easy, especially when you are a dog. Please allow me to leave you with this illustration: the photo above is of a coin worth 200 German marks. It was made during 1923, so people would not have to carry the burdensome paper equivalent of 200 marks. Prices rose so quickly, however, that the coin was soon worthless, and the government stopped making them.
Be wise, humans. Be wise.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vintage Clothing

Dear, dear simple Kathleen (the woman who helps me) learned a hard lesson recently about fashion. It seems she was paid a compliment on her “vintage clothing,” although she did not realize she was wearing vintage clothing at the time. She thought she was wearing her Tuesday sweater, which she has worn every Tuesday, which gets laundered on Saturday, and dried on Sunday. And then worn again on Tuesday.

You get the idea.

Fashion, like longevity, has its place. Humans use it to express themselves. Yes, it is a modification from the pristine state of Fashion Readiness that dogs enjoy, but it is still important in its way. Those modifications are part of being human; enjoy them. Express yourself. Be unapologetically fabulous, in your own little human way.



Leave it to the humans to think it’s “cute” that dogs can dance. Of course we can dance! Remember, we invented tail wagging.

Truthfully, the “dancing dogs” phenomenon is more a manifestation of dogs humoring their humans than the humans amusing their dogs. We know that humans have an unhealthy propensity for seat work. We also know that, as the more highly evolved species, it is our job to get you off your haunches and doing something spiritual.

Like dancing, for example.

Dance, whether secular, ritual, abstract, or (my personal favorite) interpretive, may express ancient harvest celebrations, love, patriotism, social issues, or the intrinsic need to get down. And although dogs may not have those handy opposable thumbs you humans are so excited about, we are fully capable of executing the seven movements of dance: to bend, to rise, to stretch, to glide, to jump, to turn, and to dart.

Party on.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Agony and the Pageantry

Gentle Readers,
Many thanks for your thoughtful letters and sundry messages regarding my welfare. I am fine. I have been away from my computer because of responsibilities related to Pageant Season.

Coaching the girls is not easy, as you can imagine.

Example: to prepare for the swimsuit competition, the past 12 hours were spent rehearsing the Walk-In-High-Heels-Smile-Turn-Turn-Back-Step-Pivot-Step-Walk-Walk-Walk combination. We nearly lost Miss Montana with that one, and I had to keep reminding Miss Missouri that, even though she may be a non-finalist, she is not to smoke while on stage.

I have my work cut out for me. The hours are grueling.

I hope to be back at my blog before too long. Until then,