Being the culturally-aware K9 that I am, the crisis in Myanmar (Burma) has been weighing heavily upon my delicate shoulders. Perhaps most disturbing is the knowledge that this most recent post-hurricane crisis is merely the top layer of human suffering in that country. Women, in particular, have been victimized by a military regime that uses systematic sexual violence to control it's citizenry. My understanding is that this has been the norm since I was just a puppy--perhaps longer. (One source indicates at least 20 years.)
I am pleased to share with you that a group of women in Canada have decided to use their underwear to make a difference. (You read that correctly, by the way.) Evidently, there is a superstition among men in Myanmar (Burma) that contact with a woman’s underwear will rob them of their power.
These Canadian women have started a group called, "Panties for Peace" and are asking women around the world to mail their panties to local Burmese embassies. Their desire is to symbolically show the regime that the world is aware of their activities, and does not approve. Ultimately, they hope to bring an end to the gross violations of human rights in Burma, especially those committed against women.
This campaign has been already launched around the world, in Australia, the Philippines, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland, the USA and in Brazil. Here is their link: Panties for Peace CAMPAIGN Panties for Peace - Canada If one does not want to mail in panties, there is also an option to simply make a donation.
I have asked Dear Kathleen (the woman who helps me) to send in her 100% cotton, waist-high version of "panties," which could scarcely be called "briefs." I've seen less cotton on a queen-sized comforter, but that's another conversation for another day. I don't wear panties, of course, but if I did, I would invest in one of those understated little numbers that Victoria can't keep secret.
They would make the Burmese men weak, indeed.